Membership Categories
Excerpt from the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians Constitution, July 2013
ARTICLE III. Membership. There shall be five classes of membership: Active, Associate, Emeritus, Honorary and Student.
Classes of Membership
(a) Active membership shall be limited to any veterinarian who is employed in a public health position within a U.S. state, territorial, tribal, regional, or local health department or is designated as the State Public Health Veterinarian. Only Active members are eligible to vote, hold office, or serve on Compendium Committees. ($75 annual dues)
(b) Associate membership shall be open to any veterinarian employed in a state animal health agency, a federal government agency, industry, professional veterinary association, or an academic institution in a position that involves public health duties; or to any non-veterinarian who is employed in a U.S. state, territorial, regional, or local health department, a federal government agency, or an academic institution AND who performs duties related to veterinary public health. Associate members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of Active members except the right to vote, hold office or serve on Compendium Committees. ($50 annual dues)
(c) Emeritus membership may be granted upon review and approval by the Executive Board to any former Active or Associate member whose status has changed to make that person ineligible for Active or Associate membership. (Free)
(d) Honorary membership shall be open to any person who may be named by the Executive Board of the Association. (Free)
(e) Student membership shall be open to any individual enrolled as a full-time graduate or professional student in an academic institution of veterinary medicine or any graduate veterinarian enrolled in a college of public health. ($20 annual dues)
Please note: Questions about membership should be directed to the contact listed at the bottom of the PDF version of the membership application. Those interested in public health issues whose employment or affiliation is not reflected in one of the categories listed above are encouraged to explore membership in other public health associations such as those listed on the NASPHV links page.